What is Cubs?
Cub Scouts have a lot of fun doing a lot of interesting activities! There are games to play, codes and skills to learn, places to see and new friends to meet. Cub Scouts all help each other, and try to help other people too. ​ Each week you'll get together with other boys and girls your age and be led into adventure! You'll wear your own Cub Scout uniform to show you're one of us, and you'll be able to collect special badges to put on your uniform to show your achievements.
Cub Scouts get to see a lot and do a lot. We spend weekends away together camping and exploring. We go to sports meetings, visit factories, go to the zoo, the museum, or the fire department headquarters. We learn bushcraft, and we learn how to fly model aeroplanes.
You'll find there are around 24 boys and girls in your Cub Scout Pack. All of them are just like you. They all might have different interests and be good at different things, but they all want to enjoy themselves and have fun. Like you, they'll be learning new things each week and discovering how great it is to be a Cub Scout. At your first Pack meeting you may feel a bit shy to begin with but it won't take long to get to know everyone.
Your Cub Scout Leaders are adults who may once have been Cub Scouts themselves! They are volunteers who are here to guide and support you throughout your time with us in Cubs.
Come and visit us!
Our Cubs meet each week on a Thursday from 7:00-8:30pm!
Please contact our Group Leader
to arrange a visit: